Introduction to Information Systems

What is Information Systems?

This is a brief introduction to Information Systems

Information systems exist in our environment with or without our knowledge. sometimes we do not recognize particular things as a Information System. But, that particular thing is helping us or serve a good service for us.

good example for you.....

A bus or Train timetable is a Information System!!

These time tables provide information that are very useful to a particular local community and these time tables are some form of output from a particular system maintained by bus of train company.
It is important to mention that computers are not essential to produce these type of outputs.

Data vs Information

What is Data?

It is set of facts which describes a particular thing in the real world. it represent a single value or multiple. As an example, exam marks of the students in a class is a single data.

What is Information?

Information is a kind of data which will be very useful for decision making in different contexts. Simply, it has more value than data to understand a particular context.
       for example; in a company monthly salary of an individual. total sales in a particular month...

so keep touch with us... lets learn IT in simply from next post....!!!